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Create a Conversational Chatbot

Who is this for?

This guide is suitable for entry-level software developers who want to learn how to use the Roli platform to build powerful backends.

What you’re building

This tutorial walks you through building a chatbot on Roli that consists of a public internet-facing WebSocket API routing conversational calls to an LLM registered with the Model Registry. Completing with a code-generate, documented SDK you can distribute (npm module).


  • Comfortable running terminal commands.
  • Basic understanding of TypeScript or JavaScript.
  • (Optional) Join the Roli Community Discord.

Code Conventions

// This is what it looks like when you're supposed to add a line...
console.log("Hey there");
// and when you're supposed to delete a line...
// or insert something mid-line:
// or delete an item mid-line:
console.log("Oh no...");

Open the Sandbox in your desktop browser

  1. Open the Roli sandbox: Open in StackBlitz

Set Roli’s connection information

  1. Run the command to set Roli’s connection information so it can talk to the backend platform installation.
Terminal window
roli set-connection-info admin= api= login= --enterprise

Login to the Roli SDK

  1. Run the command to login to the Roli SDK
Terminal window
roli login

Initialize the service

  1. Init the service code directory
Terminal window
# initialize the service directory
roli init-service chatbot -d chatbot/service
# example output
Success: The "chatbot" service has been initialized in the directory "/home/scott/chatbot/service".

Write an endpoint class

  1. Edit chatbot/service/config.ts to import the Endpoint class from the roli-runtime package.
import {Endpoint} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Write a class named ChatbotApi that extends the Endpoint class.
import {Endpoint} from "./roli-runtime";
export class ChatbotApi extends Endpoint {
constructor(key: string) {

At this point we have an Endpoint but it’s not very useful because there’s no methods for clients to call. We’ll get back to this after we create a Session.

Write a session class

  1. Import the Session class from roli-runtime.
import {Endpoint, Session} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Write a class named ChatbotSession that extends the Session class.
import {Endpoint, Session} from "./roli-runtime";
export class ChatbotApi extends Endpoint {
constructor(primaryKey: string) {
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;

Add an endpoint method that returns a session

  1. Add createSession to the list of imports
import {Endpoint, Session, createSession} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Add a method to ChatbotApi that creates the session, sets userName and returns the session.
import {Endpoint, Session, createSession} from "./roli-runtime";
export class ChatbotApi extends Endpoint {
constructor(primaryKey: string) {
getSession(userName: string) : ChatbotSession {
const session = createSession(ChatbotSession);
session.userName = userName;
return session;
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;

Call the Model Registry

  1. Add getModel to the list of imports
import {Endpoint, Session, createSession, getModel} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Add a method to the session that clients will call to interact with the model
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
  1. Call the Model Registry to get the model
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");

Construct a basic executable prompt

  1. Add ChatModelResponse, Prompt, and Program to the list of imports
import {Endpoint, Session, createSession,
getModel, ChatModelResponse, Prompt, Program} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Create a prompt with a fun system message, a user message that comes from the message argument, and a callback to handle the output
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");
let result: string | null = null;
const prompt = {
system: `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`,
user: message,
assistant: (response: ChatModelResponse)=> {
result = response.choices[0].message.content;
return result;
} as Prompt;
  1. Create a program passing the model and the prompt, execute it, and return the results.
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");
let result: string | null = null;
const prompt = {
system: `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`,
user: message,
assistant: (response: ChatModelResponse)=> {
result = response.choices[0].message.content;
return result;
} as Prompt;
const program = new Program(model, prompt);
await this.execute(program);
return result;

Make the chatbot conversational

  1. Add Step and Instruction to the list of imports
import {Endpoint, Session, createSession,
getModel, ChatModelResponse, Prompt, Program, Step, Instruction} from "./roli-runtime";
  1. Add a property to ChatbotSession to hold the conversation history
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
private _history: Instruction[];
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
this._history = [];
  1. Modify the tell method to construct a list of steps for the program starting with this._history if it exists
export class ChatbotSession extends Session {
private _history: Instruction[];
userName: string | null;
constructor(sessionId: string) {
this.userName = null;
this._history = [];
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");
let steps: Step[];
if(this._history) {
steps = Array.from(this._history);
} else {
steps = [];
let result: string | null = null;
const prompt = {
system: `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`,
user: message,
assistant: (response: ChatModelResponse)=> {
result = response.choices[0].message.content;
return result;
} as Prompt;
const program = new Program(model, prompt);
await this.execute(program);
return result;
  1. Make it so the system message is only added to the first prompt
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");
let steps: Step[];
if(this._history) {
steps = Array.from(this._history);
} else {
steps = [];
let result: string | null = null;
const prompt = {
system: `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`,
user: message,
assistant: (response: ChatModelResponse)=> {
result = response.choices[0].message.content;
return result;
} as Prompt;
if(this._history.length === 0) {
prompt.system = `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`;
const program = new Program(model, prompt);
await this.execute(program);
return result;
  1. Pass the whole list of steps instead of just the single prompt to the program and add the newly created Instruction to the history after the Program’s execution.
async tell(message: string) : Promise<string | null> {
const model = getModel("my-model");
let steps: Step[];
if(this._history) {
steps = Array.from(this._history);
} else {
steps = [];
let result: string | null = null;
const prompt = {
user: message,
assistant: (response: ChatModelResponse)=> {
result = response.choices[0].message.content;
return result;
} as Prompt;
if(this._history.length === 0) {
prompt.system = `You are a member of an elite social club in London England. You are having a fun and interesting discussion with a long time friend named ${this.userName}. You must always be friendly, courtious, and respectful to ${this.userName}.`;
const program = new Program(model, steps);
await this.execute(program);
this._history.push(program.steps.peek() as Instruction);
return result;

Deploy the service

  1. Use the Roli SDK to deploy the service from the service directory
Terminal window
# Deploys a new service version
roli deploy-service -d chatbot/service
# example output
OK: The "chatbot" service is now live at version 1.

Code generate a client package

  1. Generate a client package so our client code can talk to the service we just deployed.
Terminal window
# code generate a package that lets the client talk to the service
roli generate-client chatbot -d chatbot/client
# example output
OK: A new code generated client was created for the chatbot service version 1 in the project located at chatbot/client.
  1. Answer npm when asked what package manager to use.

Integrate service with the client code

  1. In the file chatbot/client/src/index.ts import the createRoliClient function and call it to get a client object.
#!/usr/bin/env node
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import chalk from "chalk";
import { createRoliClient } from "chatbot-service";
const roli = createRoliClient();
(async () => {
await inquirer
type: 'input',
name: 'userName',
message: 'Login: ',
.then(async ({ userName }) => {

The default for Roli clients is to log lots of things we don’t want to see when using a CLI so we need to turn off verbose logging.

  1. Import ServiceOptions and pass it to createRoliClient
#!/usr/bin/env node
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import chalk from "chalk";
import { createRoliClient, ServiceOptions } from "chatbot-service";
const roli = createRoliClient(new ServiceOptions(false, false));
(async () => {
await inquirer
type: 'input',
name: 'userName',
message: 'Login: ',
.then(async ({ userName }) => {
  1. Use the Roli client to get a reference to the ChatbotApi endpoint
#!/usr/bin/env node
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import chalk from "chalk";
import { createRoliClient, ChatbotApi, ServiceOptions } from "chatbot-service";
const roli = createRoliClient(new ServiceOptions(false, false));
const chatbotApi = roli.getEndpoint(ChatbotApi, "default");
(async () => {
await inquirer
type: 'input',
name: 'userName',
message: 'Login: ',
.then(async ({ userName }) => {
  1. Get the session from the endpoint, output the sessionId, and send the typed chat text to its tell method.
#!/usr/bin/env node
import inquirer from 'inquirer';
import chalk from "chalk";
import { createRoliClient, ChatbotApi, ServiceOptions } from "chatbot-service";
const roli = createRoliClient(new ServiceOptions(false, false));
const chatbotApi = roli.getEndpoint(ChatbotApi, "default");
(async () => {
await inquirer
type: 'input',
name: 'userName',
message: 'Login: ',
.then(async ({ userName }) => {
console.log('Username: ' + userName);
const session = await chatbotApi.getSession(userName);
console.log(`You are speaking with a chatbot. Your session ID is ${session.sessionId}. Use /quit to exit chat.`);
while (true) {
await inquirer
type: 'input',
name: 'text',
message: `${userName}: `,
.then(async ({ text }) => {
if (text === '/quit') {
} else {
const response = await session.tell(text);
const timestamp = chalk.grey(
`[${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}]`
const userName = chalk.whiteBright(`[chatbot]:`);
const t = chalk.greenBright(response);
console.log(`${timestamp} ${userName} ${t}`);
})().catch((e: any) => {
console.error('Unexpected failure: ' + e);

At this point both the service and client are close but there’s still one step left before it’s usable. We need to register an LLM with the Model Registry.

Register a ModelSpecification

  1. Edit the file chatbot/model.json, add your API key.
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
"url": "",
"settings": {
"kind": "chat-model"
"apiKey": "YOUR API KEY"
  1. Register the ModelSpecification with the Model Registry
Terminal window
roli register-model chatbot -k my-model -m chatbot/model.json
# expected output
OK: Model registered

Test it all out

  1. Build and run the chatbot example client.
Terminal window
cd chatbot/client
npm run build
npm run chat
# expected output
> roli-chatbot@1.0.0 chat
> node dist/index.mjs
? Login:
  1. Login with your name and then say hello
Terminal window
? Login: Scott
# expected output
Username: Scott
You are speaking with a chatbot. Your session ID is f88b0842-71c6-4dc0-b48c-d09570656d99. Use /quit to exit chat.
? Scott: Hello
[8:42:00 AM] [chatbot]: Hello! How are you today, Scott?


You’ve created a conversational AI chatbot and deployed it to a service running on the Roli platform. This service is versatile, and could be used from any web UI or microservice using similar client code.